Do I Have Allergies or a Cold? Know How to Spot the Differences

Common colds and seasonal allergies often mask themselves with similar or identical symptoms, leaving you to wonder whether you’re suffering from a cold or living with seasonal or allergen-specific allergies. Although both can hinder your daily life and routine, knowing which one you are experiencing is essential to getting the proper treatment to mitigate symptoms … Continued

Can Urgent Care Prescribe Antibiotics?

There are various things that urgent care centers can do without the need for a trip to the ER or your doctor’s office. If needed, when visiting urgent care, antibiotics can be prescribed by in-office providers and available for pickup at your neighborhood pharmacy. In some cases, antibiotics may be administered before discharge to begin … Continued

How to Tell If You Are Dehydrated

Did you know that nearly 75% of Americans are considered chronically dehydrated? Water is the most necessary nutrient for humans on the planet. It helps with various bodily functions, including digestion, circulation, nutrient distribution and body temperature regulation. Knowing whether you’re hydrated enough and how to handle dehydration properly is essential to your overall health. … Continued

How Long Does a Fever Last?

A fever is a common side effect of certain illnesses, like the flu. It happens when there is a temporary rise in the body’s normal internal temperature and is a sign your body’s fighting an infection or other illness. Average body temperature for adults range between 97 and 99 degrees Fahrenheit; when adults have an … Continued

When to Go to Urgent Care

Unless you’re a professional stunt person, no one wakes up in the morning and expects to fall or injure themselves. But many people will need prompt, high-quality treatment from an urgent care or emergency room facility for unexpected injuries or illnesses during their lifetime. That’s why it’s important to understand when to go to urgent … Continued

Does Urgent Care Do X-Rays?

When you have an urgent medical issue, like a broken bone or alarming abdominal pain, you might be wondering, “Can urgent care do x-rays?” Just like emergency rooms, urgent care clinics offer digital x-rays and EKGs as well as an on-site laboratory for fast, accurate diagnosis and treatment. According to guidelines from the Urgent Care … Continued

Five Ways to Treat Your Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common physical ailments, affecting 65-75% of Americans at some point during their lifetime. While severe cases can be debilitating and quite painful, the good news is approximately 90% of cases are temporary, and there are several effective techniques and treatments that are safe and effective. Most back pain … Continued

How Much Vitamin D Do I Need?

Vitamin D plays a key role in helping the body absorb essential minerals and nutrients like magnesium, phosphate and calcium (one of the main building blocks for stronger teeth and bones). It’s so important, in fact, that your body makes it by itself when exposed to sufficient sunlight. Regular sun exposure is the most natural … Continued

What Causes Ear Infections?

Most ear infections occur when a bacterial, viral or fungal infection affects the eustachian tubes in the middle ear (the sections of the ear just behind the eardrum) causing them to become swollen or blocked. These tiny tubes run between the middle ear and the upper throat. Ear infections can also affect different parts of … Continued